Keen Austin Pedal Shoes – Oxford Lace Design

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VN:RO [1.9.22_1171]
(4.7 out of 5)
Based on 1 Review

VN:F [1.9.22_1171]

Featured Review: (by Douglas Leith), Recently had surgery to relieve pain ass oicated to planters faciatis. Heel pain immediatly subsided but pain in other parts of foot began and was persistant. Tried pair on in local store but was hesitant due to cost. Went back and spoke to sales rep – before I said anything about pre-surgery condition he said he has same condition – has this same pair of Keen shoes (& 4 other pairs) and offer substantial relief. I’ve worn mine everyday for past week and the relief is HUGE!! I’m looking for my next pair of Keen’s to add to the rotation.

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Austin Pedal Shoes - Oxford Lace Design, 4.7 out of 5 based on 1 rating

1 Review

  1. Tom Genereaux says:

    Just got a pair for fall/winter commuting and they’ve passed their first severe test. Rode home in a downpour yesterday and the only water that got in was where. *major* splashes leaked in through the tongue. Took out the foot beds and they. Were dry by this morning. They do run a bit wide/large – which isn’t a detriment in. My case, since I’ll be wearing them with heavy socks.