Puma Footwear, Famous and Leading Life Style Company

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Before the fall of Germany Rudi dassler was captured and both brothers had to split. After looking in to the situation Adi Dassler started off with his own company which is called “ Adidas” worlds second largest shoe company in this whole world. On the other hand Rudi named its company as Ruda. After a year he changed its name as Puma and sponsored many footballers of national football team of Germany. Over the years, this man expertise and willingness to work aid off great dividends and soon the whole world was wearing the marvelous shoes PUMA.

Year after year from that this company has charted stories year after year and increasing their profits which helped them to establish base in almost every country of the globe. A wide variety of shoes has been designed for different kind of people. It also involves sports shoes for running, basketball and most importantly football. This company is now the main sponsors of Italy team. Not only that they are also the main sponsors of formula 1 team like Ferrari and BMW and they have released their series of BMW appeal series.

The mission of this company is to become the most desirable sport life style brand. Any sport is missing without Puma. Puma has been defined by Fusing sport life style and fashion. From Puma shoes to watches, from its accessories to bags all reflects the hard work and passion this company has put in it. Puma shoes and clothes are always there to cover their customers demand whether they want athletic shoes of sport bags. Puma is famous and renown because of the efforts and expertise that Ruda and his workers have put in.

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