Timberland PRO® Endurance Chukka Boots – Wedge Soft Toe – Cambrelle® lining

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VN:RO [1.9.22_1171]
(5.0 out of 5)
Based on 1 Review

VN:F [1.9.22_1171]

Featured Review: (by BRI), The leather lip at the top should extend nearly all the way around the top instead of just a inch or so on the back of the boot. The top of the boot with no padding chaffed my ankle a GREAT deal even while wearing a normal sock and a Boot sock to keep the chaffing down. Otherwise it was the same as the 6″ endurance steel toe that I had, and recently went back to. Only gripe with the boot, otherwise VERY comfortable but not quite as light as it may look oddly enough.

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PRO® Endurance Chukka Boots - Wedge Soft Toe - Cambrelle® lining, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

1 Review

  1. TV says:

    I have tried many shoes and boots out there for comfort since I work over 8 hours straight everyday at work. My job involves running, walking, standing, and jumping out of the back of semi-truck trailers. These are by far the most comfortable shoes I have ever bought. Well worth the money! If you want comfort for long periods of standing/walking these are perfect! I will be buying a second pair for casual wearing. Only downside is they seem to only come in this one color, a Black one with the same soft leather texture would be perfect!