Timberland Earthkeepers® City Biking Shoes – Leather Oxford

Posted in Timberland Write a Review »
VN:RO [1.9.22_1171]
(3.7 out of 5)
Based on 2 Reviews

VN:F [1.9.22_1171]

Featured Review: (by Victor), I bought these because I was looking for stylish leather shoes to wear at work. I didn’t plan to use them for biking. Overall, these are great shoes, however, the pair I got have a terrible smell which didn’t wear off. The leather has a very strong smell of leather mixed with industrial chemicals. I did expect _some_ odor, since they’re made of leather, but, after trying to wear them for more than a month, washing them 3 times and walking in the rain a few times, they still have a strong leather odor. I gave up at this point. I can’t wear them at work (I tried), because of their odor. I can’t travel with them (I tried), because of the odor. I guess if you want to wear them strictly outside, it’s fine, but, if you’re thinking you might have them on for extended periods of time in enclosed spaces, expect to have to deal with the odor. Otherwise, I really like them, they are extremely comfortable and the leather is soft. I often have blisters from shoes made with hard leather, but the leather on these shoes is soft and comfortable (apart from the odor). No one has mentioned the odor in their reviews, so this might be an isolated incident, but I’m reluctant to order another pair. Perhaps others will have better luck than I did. I would give the shoes 5 stars, but, because the odor renders the shoes useless, I had to choose a 1 star rating.



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Earthkeepers® City Biking Shoes - Leather Oxford, 3.7 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

2 Reviews

  1. Chris says:

    I saw these shoes online and fell in love. My old Timberland moccasins were about done after a couple of Wisconsin winters. I spent weeks saving up and waiting for any kind of discount to appear. It was worth the wait, and seems to be well worth the money. They are great for biking or walking, as promised, and are both comfortable and well-built. I do worry a bit about taking them out in wet conditions, though.

  2. Jay the cyclist says:

    I like the shoes. I’m not sure I would say that the technology really is evident in the shoe. I think it is stiffer than a normal shoe however not enough to matter. I can reverse the bend with my hand. I know my weight of 180lbs will as well on the bike. For a commuting shoe I think that if it was waterproof it would be more practical. I live in Seattle and we bike here all the time. Does not make sense to have a shoe that cant get wet on the bike.